Ways to Support NM Kids Matter

Different Ways you can Support Us

Make a Gift. Make a Difference.

Your one-time or recurring donation gives children who’ve been abused or neglected a powerful voice in court, at school, and in our community.


Your gift helps New Mexico Kids Matter provide vital advocacy services to children in foster care through our CASA program. Join us in ensuring that children who have been abused and neglected have every opportunity for a successful future.

Host a Fundraiser

Corporate Giving

Leave a Legacy

Hosting a third-party event fundraiser

Plan Your Own Fundraiser! – NM Kids Matter welcomes fundraisers planned by community members. These initiatives include but are not limited to independently organized events, programs, or online fundraisers hosted by a business, group, or individual to raise financial support for CASA’s mission.

If you are interested in designating NM Kids Matter as the beneficiary of a fundraiser, please contact our Executive Director, Jennifer Sunshine jsunshine@nmkidsmatter.org or call 505-903-0305 at least 30 days before your event.

Corporate Giving: Multiply Your Impact

NM Kids Matter Corporate Partners

The generosity of business and community leaders like you helps us move closer to our vision of serving 100% of children in the child welfare system in Bernalillo County. With your help, we can meet our vision of a trained volunteer advocate, a safe home and a promising future for every child in need in our community.

Become a CASA Corporate Partner and enjoy excellent marketing exposure for your brand, deeper engagement from your employees, and recognition among CASA’s community of major donors. We look forward to working with you to create a customized benefits package that fulfills your company’s values and community outreach goals.

How to Become a CASA Corporate Partner

Your business or organization can become CASA Community Partner through an annual gift of outright programmatic support or by sponsoring one or more of CASA’s signature fundraising events, CASA NM Kids Matter Golf Classic, or others. You may also choose to host a third-party event benefiting CASA of Bernalillo County. Finally, there are a limited number of underwriting opportunities available for training materials, meeting spaces, and receptions.

Membership Benefits

Your customizable package may include the following benefits:

  • Recognition on our website, e-newsletter, annual report, and social media channels
  • Prominent signage at events, inclusion in collateral materials, and giveaway opportunities
  • Special invitations to fundraising and other donor-centric events
  • Customized group volunteer opportunities for employees
  • Additional opportunities may be available by mutual agreement

Other Ways To Help

  • Invite CASA to your workplace to present volunteer opportunities
  • Highlight CASA in your company newsletter or through your social media channels
  • Inform your employees about giving to CASA through payroll deduction and company matching
  • Sponsor 10 or more children during our Holiday Toy Drive or host a gift card drive at any time
  • Share CASA’s campaigns via social media: https://www.facebook.com/NMKidsMatter/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/newmexicokidsmatter/

Please contact our Executive Director, Jennifer Sunshine jsunshine@nmkidsmatter.org or call 505-903-0305 for more information about partnership opportunities as well as other ways to support our mission.

Leave a Legacy

Talk with your financial or estate planning professional to find out how to plan a gift to benefit you and your family while creating a lasting legacy for children in need. This might include putting New Mexico Kids Matter in your will, naming us as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement plan, or gifting real estate.

For more information, please contact our Executive Director, Jennifer Sunshine jsunshine@nmkidsmatter.org or call 505-903-0305.

CASA is not your typical volunteer role.

That’s okay.
We’re not looking for typical volunteers!